Vedantic International School
Aminagar Sarai
World Earth Day Celebrations 2023

World Earth Day Celebrations 2023

On April 22, students of Vedantic International School celebrated World Earth Day. This special day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and preserving natural resources. Students took part in all kinds of activities to...
Floral Tributes to Dr.Bhim Rao Ambedkar

Floral Tributes to Dr.Bhim Rao Ambedkar

महामानव डॉ. आंबेडकर को बाबासाहेब बनाया उनके शील ने, उनकी प्रज्ञा ने और उनकी अथाह करुणा ने। अपनी किताब ‘बुद्ध अथवा कार्ल मार्क्स’ में वे बताते हैं कि सच्चाई और कल्याण का रास्ता लंबा ज़रूर है लेकिन अंत में आप अपने पांव एक मजबूत आधार पर महसूस करेंगे, जो कभी...
Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2021-22

Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2021-22

Congratulations Vedantic International School family for receiving the District Level Award in ‘Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar 2021-22’ and for achieving an overall score of 99% with an overall rating of 5 STAR . Thanks to our honourable District...
Traffic Ambassadors

Traffic Ambassadors

Students from UKG class took on the role of traffic ambassadors to teach road safety. The students, aged 5-6, held placards to spread awareness about the importance of following traffic rules. The students were observed teaching about the importance of wearing a...