Vedantic International School
Aminagar Sarai
Rocket making excellence felicitations

Rocket making excellence felicitations

Rocket engines create a force we call thrust that pushes the rocket. To launch upward, the thrust must be stronger than the force of gravity and the drag force (air resistance). Rocket Launch Activity enabled the students well versed with the rocket launching...
Vasant Panchami Greetings

Vasant Panchami Greetings

सरस्वतीं च तां नौमि वागधिष्ठातृदेवताम् । देवत्वं प्रतिपद्यन्ते यदनुग्रहतो जना: । हम वाणी की देवी माता सरस्वती जी को नमस्कार करते हैं, जिनकी कृपा मात्र से मानव देव समान हो जाता है। वसंत पंचमी शुभ...