Vedantic International School
Aminagar Sarai
Christmas Celebrations

Christmas Celebrations

Christmas celebrations at Vedantic International School are a joyful blend of cultural diversity and festive spirit. Students and teachers come together to decorate the campus with lights, Christmas trees, and handmade ornaments, creating a vibrant atmosphere. The...
भारतीय भाषा उत्सव

भारतीय भाषा उत्सव

भारतीय भाषा उत्सव – भाषाओं के माध्यम से राष्ट्रीय एकता का आह्वान 4 से 11 दिसंबर 2024 तक आयोजित “भारतीय भाषा उत्सव” ने राष्ट्रीय एकता को भाषाओं के माध्यम से प्रदर्शित करने का अद्भुत अवसर प्रदान किया। इस सप्ताह भर के कार्यक्रम ने भाषा, साहित्य, तकनीक,...
Social Science Exhibition

Social Science Exhibition

The Social Science Exhibition at Vedantic International School is a dynamic platform for students to showcase their creativity, critical thinking, and understanding of the world. The event features innovative projects, models, and presentations on topics ranging from...
Mission Shakti – Navratri Festival

Mission Shakti – Navratri Festival

The fifth edition of Mission Shakti, launched by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during the Navratri festival has been featuring several events aimed at creating awareness about women and children, especially their safety at workplaces and public spaces. The event,...