by Vedantic | Apr 24, 2023 | News and Events
Have a glance at this write up of Sh.Ankit Bhardwaj ,Father of Takshila Bhardwaj (Class LKG) about World Earth Day ,22.04.2023. What a lovely gesture ! We sure enjoy a very proud association with you ! Thank You Dear Parent. You empower us.
by Vedantic | Apr 22, 2023 | News and Events
On April 22, students of Vedantic International School celebrated World Earth Day. This special day is dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and preserving natural resources. Students took part in all kinds of activities to...
by Vedantic | Apr 14, 2023 | News and Events
महामानव डॉ. आंबेडकर को बाबासाहेब बनाया उनके शील ने, उनकी प्रज्ञा ने और उनकी अथाह करुणा ने। अपनी किताब ‘बुद्ध अथवा कार्ल मार्क्स’ में वे बताते हैं कि सच्चाई और कल्याण का रास्ता लंबा ज़रूर है लेकिन अंत में आप अपने पांव एक मजबूत आधार पर महसूस करेंगे, जो कभी...