Vedantic International School
Aminagar Sarai

Vedantic International School

Learn, Serve, Lead

Your Success is Our Mission

Welcome To

Vedantic International School

A Co-educational Senior Secondary
School Affiliated with C.B.S.E.

Vedantic International School gets its name from the term Vedanta where ‘Veda’ means knowledge and ‘Anta’ means end.The Vedant philosophy rests on Upnishads. Upnishads are also termed as Uttar Mimansa in Indian Philosophy , meaning higher curiosity through questioning and self realization. According to Vedantic philosophy there is one God and the universe is its manifestation. So every human being is reflection of same ultimate reality. We are all same. Realization of oneness is the ultimate goal and path of liberation. Vedantic philosophy teaches us the importance of celebrating this idea of oneness and hence this warmth of our togetherness should reflect from each one of us and people should dwell in love and compassion. It teaches us to celebrate life…To remain happy and to spread happiness wherever we go… This world must shine because we Vedanticians intend to !

News & Events

Christmas Celebrations

Christmas celebrations at Vedantic International School are a joyful blend of cultural diversity and festive spirit. Students and teachers come together to decorate the campus with lights, Christmas trees, and handmade ornaments, creating a vibrant atmosphere. The...

भारतीय भाषा उत्सव

भारतीय भाषा उत्सव - भाषाओं के माध्यम से राष्ट्रीय एकता का आह्वान 4 से 11 दिसंबर 2024 तक आयोजित "भारतीय भाषा उत्सव" ने राष्ट्रीय एकता को भाषाओं के माध्यम से प्रदर्शित करने का अद्भुत अवसर प्रदान किया। इस सप्ताह भर के कार्यक्रम ने भाषा, साहित्य, तकनीक, और संस्कृति के...

Social Science Exhibition

The Social Science Exhibition at Vedantic International School is a dynamic platform for students to showcase their creativity, critical thinking, and understanding of the world. The event features innovative projects, models, and presentations on topics ranging from...

Mission Shakti – Navratri Festival

The fifth edition of Mission Shakti, launched by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath during the Navratri festival has been featuring several events aimed at creating awareness about women and children, especially their safety at workplaces and public spaces. The event,...

Proud Moments for Vedantic

What a proud moment to acknowledge the success of our students Prince Yadav and Naveen Dhama (batch 2015) ! Congratulations students for getting commissioned today in CRPF as Subordinate officers after 1 year of rigorous physical and mental training at Central...

Teachers’ Day Celebrations 2024

Vedantic International School celebrated Teachers' Day 2024 with great enthusiasm on September 5, honoring the invaluable contributions of teachers in shaping young minds. The event began with a heartfelt tribute to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, whose birth...

Spic Macay – Dashank Series 2024

On August 27, 2024, Vedantic International School had the honor of hosting the Spic Macay - Dashank Series, featuring the renowned Kathak virtuoso Mr. Sanjeet Gangani from the Jaipur Gharana. The performance was a mesmerizing display of finesse, precision, and...

Investiture Ceremony 2024

Passing on the baton ! Our school hosted its annual investiture ceremony today where the newly elected student leaders were officially inducted. The event, attended by teachers and students, marked a significant moment as all the leaders of the students council...

Mother’s Day

Celebrated around the world as a day to honour mothers, and motherly bonds within the family,Mother’s Day is a day to make an extra-special effort to recognize and appreciate mothers’ roles in our lives. Often this day is extended to generations of...

Learn, Serve, Lead


We believe education is not just the acquisition of knowledge but the development of key skills, attitudes, and values which last a lifetime. We focus on a skills-based, student-centered, inquiry-oriented, personalized model of learning as opposed to the traditional content-based, teacher-centered, examination-oriented one-size-fits-all model of teaching.

Our core objective is to see that, at the end of the schooling years, a student is performing to the best of his/her academic ability, is groomed as a well-rounded personality who can excel at any chosen career, and has imbibed the right human values and has his/her heart in the right place.



School follows the NCERT curriculum prescribed by CBSE. Inspiration, motivation, and recognition of the performance of students are integral parts of the education system at Vedantic
All the pupils are motivated, encouraged, and inspired to excel in academics and take part in the curricular and co-curricular activities of the school.


News & Activities

भारतीय भाषा उत्सव

भारतीय भाषा उत्सव

भारतीय भाषा उत्सव - भाषाओं के माध्यम से राष्ट्रीय एकता का आह्वान 4 से 11 दिसंबर 2024 तक आयोजित "भारतीय भाषा उत्सव" ने राष्ट्रीय...

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Sarai – Puther Road, Aminagar Sarai, Uttar Pradesh 250606


0121 4051265


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